Get to know me.
I was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley. I grew up at a church so big that we had no relationship with the other members, and because of that, I had a lack of relationship with God. By the time I was 5 years old, my family grew, times got harder, and church was only in the picture for holidays. I didn't care about God or having a relationship with him. Throughout Jr. High my friend group was stealing, partying, smoking and drinking. I always felt out of place, but never had the courage to change that lifestyle because of how normal it felt. Going into high school my guard was up. I didn’t trust people, and I definitely wasn't ready to trust a God
I couldn't see, trust, or prove existed.
Luckily that didn't stop me from getting a fresh start. In the middle of my freshman year, one of my new friends had a sister who was attending a Young Life group with all of her senior friends and I just thought it sounded “so lame”. I couldn't understand why teenagers wanted to take the time to know Christ, someone we cannot see. I went anyway because all of my friends were going and I have never missed a club since. The first time I walked in, almost every single leader talked to me, genuinely wanting to know who I was. I decided to take the next steps in my relationship with Christ. That summer I went to Young life summer camp where I gave my life to Jesus. My life hasn't always been the greatest since, but my leaders really helped me to identify and develop my talents. They encouraged me and helped me grow and thrive. I've now had the opportunity to serve kids for a month-long service trip at the same summer camp where I embraced my faith, and now I get to help other young people begin their relationships with Christ.
I'm excited to implement the talents, organizational skills, and leadership abilities that my mentors identified and encouraged in me here as the admin
at Valley Vineyard.
Brianna can be contacted by email at:
[email protected]
I couldn't see, trust, or prove existed.
Luckily that didn't stop me from getting a fresh start. In the middle of my freshman year, one of my new friends had a sister who was attending a Young Life group with all of her senior friends and I just thought it sounded “so lame”. I couldn't understand why teenagers wanted to take the time to know Christ, someone we cannot see. I went anyway because all of my friends were going and I have never missed a club since. The first time I walked in, almost every single leader talked to me, genuinely wanting to know who I was. I decided to take the next steps in my relationship with Christ. That summer I went to Young life summer camp where I gave my life to Jesus. My life hasn't always been the greatest since, but my leaders really helped me to identify and develop my talents. They encouraged me and helped me grow and thrive. I've now had the opportunity to serve kids for a month-long service trip at the same summer camp where I embraced my faith, and now I get to help other young people begin their relationships with Christ.
I'm excited to implement the talents, organizational skills, and leadership abilities that my mentors identified and encouraged in me here as the admin
at Valley Vineyard.
Brianna can be contacted by email at:
[email protected]