2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.â€
We are living in times when many of us are feeling that we don’t have control over many things. We don’t have control over this pandemic, we don’t have control over the great political divide, we don’t have control over racial tensions, we don’t have control over how governmental officials will lead us in this time… but, we do have a choice in all this. In the midst of unprecedented and unpredictable times, we can choose to seek the Lord.
Many people talk about wanting to see revival in this country and in this world. We cannot control that either. What we can do is to make the choice to seek God personally and as a church body. Let’s humble ourselves, pray and seek God, and repent. All these are key to experimenting revival.
We invite you to do three things:
1. Join us online on Sundays at 11 AM, for our weekday daily devotionals at 9 AM, and then join a Zoom Connect Group to continue growing spiritually and in unity. Look at all the
groups available here: vvinfo.org/vgroups
2. Join us for a corporate fast. We want to fast for 40 days from Monday, August 10, through Friday, September 18. Ask the Spirit of God to show you what to fast from. Look at the
information on fasting below.
3. During the 40 days we invite you to join together once or twice a day at 7:14 AM and/or 7:14 PM to recite 2 Chronicles 7:14 and to give space to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal where
in your life you need humility, how to seek His presence more openly, or what you need to repent from. We invite you to just take 3-10 minutes during those times to journal what you
are sensing or hearing. Please share with us what God is revealing by using the form below.
What should you fast?
Begin by asking Jesus what his Spirit is leading you to abstain from. It might be more beneficial for you fast from things that feed your mind, body, soul, or imagination: television, sports, Facebook, alcohol, the news, shopping, or political discourse. You can also seek to abstain from certain foods, fast every morning or evening during this season, or fast a day or certain days of the week. You probably won’t hear an audible voice, but you will have a sense of what the Spirit is targeting.
It’s vital to understand that fasting is not an end in itself, but a spiritual discipline. Just like a physical discipline, you engage in it with a goal in mind. You don’t diet just to diet, but to get healthy and lose weight. In the same way, as you fast, you should have a spiritual goal or purpose in mind.
As you look through the goals below, which one might Jesus be calling you to pursue?
• A greater dependency on Jesus
As you experience the discomfort of denying yourself something you enjoy, it can be a constant reminder to turn to the Lord for strength. Fasting can help us stay centered on Jesus.
2 Cor. 12:9
•More time in prayer and the Word
Imagine what would happen if all the time we spend looking a screens or eating meals was devoted to prayer and meditation on Scripture? Fasting can be a way of feasting on the Lord.
John 4:27-38
•Fasting for revival
Fasting is a great way to revive your own spiritual life. It says you are serious about living a Spirit-filled life with Jesus. Jonah 3:7; Joel 1:14 & 2:12,15
•A deepening in your walk with Jesus
You may choose to fast because you hear Jesus calling, “Come away, my beloved!†He’s calling you to quiet your heart and go deeper. Song of Solomon 8:14
•Spiritual Warfare
Fasting can be a way of releasing God’s power to overcome evil. Mt. 17:18-21
•Ministering to the needs of others
When you fast from food and other pleasurable activities, you identify with those who are hungry and needy. This is the meaning of Is. 58:6-9. Fasting can produce compassion and a
desire to do something about the oppressed.
•A season of mourning
It was common for those who were grieving to abstain from food for a season. Perhaps you need to mourn a loss. 2 Sam. 12:23; Neh. 1:4.
•Facing a great challenge
In 1 Chron. 20:3 the king called a fast when facing overwhelming odds in battle. The Lord gave him a great victory, v. 24 Also see Esther 4:16.
Some fasting no-no’s
•Don’t fast to look spiritual by telling everyone you are fasting. Mt. 6:16, 18
•Don’t go around being miserable and cranky. Is. 58:4-6; Mt. 6:17
•Don’t try to manipulate God. It doesn’t work!
•Don’t try to be a hero and overdo it. If you are new to fasting, you might start with one meal a day or one full day a week. If your fast is media-related, you might try 5 days a week and
give yourself a break on the weekend or vice versa.
•Don’t expect it to be easy.
•Don’t expect instant results. Often, the fruit of fasting is seen after your fast is over. Therefore, don’t be disappointed if you don’t have an immediate breakthrough or if you feel, “It’s not
working.†Trust the Lord.
•If you are married, don’t fast from sexual intimacy unless you both agree. 1 Cor. 7:5
Finally, although Jesus calls us to fast in secret. Mat. 6:16, He didn’t mean you can’t tell anyone. His intention was to stop us from bragging about how spiritual we are. We suggest you find someone to share with about your fast. If you are in a Connect Group, you should share with the group and ask them to pray for you. It will help you follow through.
We are living in times when many of us are feeling that we don’t have control over many things. We don’t have control over this pandemic, we don’t have control over the great political divide, we don’t have control over racial tensions, we don’t have control over how governmental officials will lead us in this time… but, we do have a choice in all this. In the midst of unprecedented and unpredictable times, we can choose to seek the Lord.
Many people talk about wanting to see revival in this country and in this world. We cannot control that either. What we can do is to make the choice to seek God personally and as a church body. Let’s humble ourselves, pray and seek God, and repent. All these are key to experimenting revival.
We invite you to do three things:
1. Join us online on Sundays at 11 AM, for our weekday daily devotionals at 9 AM, and then join a Zoom Connect Group to continue growing spiritually and in unity. Look at all the
groups available here: vvinfo.org/vgroups
2. Join us for a corporate fast. We want to fast for 40 days from Monday, August 10, through Friday, September 18. Ask the Spirit of God to show you what to fast from. Look at the
information on fasting below.
3. During the 40 days we invite you to join together once or twice a day at 7:14 AM and/or 7:14 PM to recite 2 Chronicles 7:14 and to give space to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal where
in your life you need humility, how to seek His presence more openly, or what you need to repent from. We invite you to just take 3-10 minutes during those times to journal what you
are sensing or hearing. Please share with us what God is revealing by using the form below.
What should you fast?
Begin by asking Jesus what his Spirit is leading you to abstain from. It might be more beneficial for you fast from things that feed your mind, body, soul, or imagination: television, sports, Facebook, alcohol, the news, shopping, or political discourse. You can also seek to abstain from certain foods, fast every morning or evening during this season, or fast a day or certain days of the week. You probably won’t hear an audible voice, but you will have a sense of what the Spirit is targeting.
It’s vital to understand that fasting is not an end in itself, but a spiritual discipline. Just like a physical discipline, you engage in it with a goal in mind. You don’t diet just to diet, but to get healthy and lose weight. In the same way, as you fast, you should have a spiritual goal or purpose in mind.
As you look through the goals below, which one might Jesus be calling you to pursue?
• A greater dependency on Jesus
As you experience the discomfort of denying yourself something you enjoy, it can be a constant reminder to turn to the Lord for strength. Fasting can help us stay centered on Jesus.
2 Cor. 12:9
•More time in prayer and the Word
Imagine what would happen if all the time we spend looking a screens or eating meals was devoted to prayer and meditation on Scripture? Fasting can be a way of feasting on the Lord.
John 4:27-38
•Fasting for revival
Fasting is a great way to revive your own spiritual life. It says you are serious about living a Spirit-filled life with Jesus. Jonah 3:7; Joel 1:14 & 2:12,15
•A deepening in your walk with Jesus
You may choose to fast because you hear Jesus calling, “Come away, my beloved!†He’s calling you to quiet your heart and go deeper. Song of Solomon 8:14
•Spiritual Warfare
Fasting can be a way of releasing God’s power to overcome evil. Mt. 17:18-21
•Ministering to the needs of others
When you fast from food and other pleasurable activities, you identify with those who are hungry and needy. This is the meaning of Is. 58:6-9. Fasting can produce compassion and a
desire to do something about the oppressed.
•A season of mourning
It was common for those who were grieving to abstain from food for a season. Perhaps you need to mourn a loss. 2 Sam. 12:23; Neh. 1:4.
•Facing a great challenge
In 1 Chron. 20:3 the king called a fast when facing overwhelming odds in battle. The Lord gave him a great victory, v. 24 Also see Esther 4:16.
Some fasting no-no’s
•Don’t fast to look spiritual by telling everyone you are fasting. Mt. 6:16, 18
•Don’t go around being miserable and cranky. Is. 58:4-6; Mt. 6:17
•Don’t try to manipulate God. It doesn’t work!
•Don’t try to be a hero and overdo it. If you are new to fasting, you might start with one meal a day or one full day a week. If your fast is media-related, you might try 5 days a week and
give yourself a break on the weekend or vice versa.
•Don’t expect it to be easy.
•Don’t expect instant results. Often, the fruit of fasting is seen after your fast is over. Therefore, don’t be disappointed if you don’t have an immediate breakthrough or if you feel, “It’s not
working.†Trust the Lord.
•If you are married, don’t fast from sexual intimacy unless you both agree. 1 Cor. 7:5
Finally, although Jesus calls us to fast in secret. Mat. 6:16, He didn’t mean you can’t tell anyone. His intention was to stop us from bragging about how spiritual we are. We suggest you find someone to share with about your fast. If you are in a Connect Group, you should share with the group and ask them to pray for you. It will help you follow through.