When the Other is my Brother
Sermon Series: Citizens of the Kingdom
April 21, 2024 – Joyce Liu

Sermon Summary:
Joyce Liu's sermon, "When the Other is My Brother," addresses polarization and othering in today's political climate, highlighting the negative impact on relationships. She explores political sectarianism driven by othering, aversion, and moralization, affecting both society and the church. Referencing Jesus' teachings, she emphasizes the importance of loving neighbors, even those with opposing views, and not seeking revenge. She concludes by offering practical steps to foster understanding and engaging in politics with love and light.
5 Day Reading Plan:

Day 1: Loving Our Neighbor
Scripture Reading: Matthew 22:34-40
Reflect on Jesus' words about the greatest commandments and how they are connected to loving our neighbor as ourselves. Consider how this commandment challenges you in your interactions with others, especially those who may have differing viewpoints or identities.

Day 2: The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Scripture Reading: Luke 10:25-37
Dive deeper into the Parable of the Good Samaritan and examine the implications it has for how we treat those who may be considered "other" or different from us. Consider how you can practically apply the example of the Samaritan in your own life.  Who are your neighbors that are different from you?  What does it look like to serve them? What have we given to Caesar that actually belongs to God?

Day 3: The Image of God
Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:26-27
Explore the concept of humans being created in the image of God. Reflect on what it means to see the image of God in others, regardless of their political views or identities. Consider how this understanding should shape our interactions with those we disagree with.

Day 4: Politics and Ultimate Principles
Scripture Reading: Matthew 22:15-22
Study the interaction between Jesus and the Pharisees regarding the payment of taxes. Reflect on the idea that politics should not be equated with ultimate principles and how this understanding can help us navigate political polarization without compromising our faith. What have we given to Caesar that actually belongs to God?

Day 5: Engaging in Political Life
Scripture Reading: Mark 10:42-45
Examine your approach and posture towards political engagement and consider how you can align it with the principles of serving and loving others. Reflect on the practical steps mentioned in the sermon, such as going outside, serving others, watching your media diet, and engaging at the local level.

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