Vineyard Notes from Pastor Jimmy--2021 Bible Reading Plan Invitation

December 30, 2020
Dear Vineyard family and friends,
What a year we have gone through! Take a deep breath and thank the Lord for His presence and faithfulness in the midst of it all. As we close 2020, I want to invite you to take on a life-giving discipline to start the new year. Let’s commit to read the Bible together in 2021.
R.C. Sproul said, “The Scriptures are absolutely key in the process by which the Spirit gives—and strengthens—the faith of Christians.”
A Bible reading plan can help you grow as a disciple of Jesus. Joshua 1:8 says, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
The Bible is God’s love letter, training manual, and guiding map for our lives. It is imperative that we take time to meditate on it and memorize it, so that our minds are renewed and transformed into seeking to live true “prosperous and successful” lives.
I want to invite you to follow this year-long reading plan that will allow you to read the whole Bible. It begins with reading the daily portion, which takes around 12 minutes. Then take 10 minutes to prayerfully journal and ask the Lord to reveal a truth that you can apply from what you have read. This would take 22 minutes a day. Did you know that the average 30-minute show is actually 22 minutes long?
With all the extra time during the pandemic many people have binge watched many shows on Netflix and other entertainment avenues. One of the definitions of the word binge is an unrestrained and often excessive indulgence. There is nothing else I could think of that would be more appropriate than the Word of God as an unrestrained and excessive indulgence! Yes, let’s become binge readers of the life-giving Word of God.
Go to this link and you will find the plan that can be downloaded as a pdf. There is a one-page summary of all the readings for the whole year and there are also weekly printouts that have a few reading highlights and response prompts. We will start with the Day 1, Week 1 reading THIS Monday, January 4th.
I am looking forward to what God has in store for us in the next year. Let us position ourselves to have a “prosperous and successful” year as we meditate on the Word of God together.
Have a blessed new year,
Jimmy Reyes
Lead Pastor
Dear Vineyard family and friends,
What a year we have gone through! Take a deep breath and thank the Lord for His presence and faithfulness in the midst of it all. As we close 2020, I want to invite you to take on a life-giving discipline to start the new year. Let’s commit to read the Bible together in 2021.
R.C. Sproul said, “The Scriptures are absolutely key in the process by which the Spirit gives—and strengthens—the faith of Christians.”
A Bible reading plan can help you grow as a disciple of Jesus. Joshua 1:8 says, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
The Bible is God’s love letter, training manual, and guiding map for our lives. It is imperative that we take time to meditate on it and memorize it, so that our minds are renewed and transformed into seeking to live true “prosperous and successful” lives.
I want to invite you to follow this year-long reading plan that will allow you to read the whole Bible. It begins with reading the daily portion, which takes around 12 minutes. Then take 10 minutes to prayerfully journal and ask the Lord to reveal a truth that you can apply from what you have read. This would take 22 minutes a day. Did you know that the average 30-minute show is actually 22 minutes long?
With all the extra time during the pandemic many people have binge watched many shows on Netflix and other entertainment avenues. One of the definitions of the word binge is an unrestrained and often excessive indulgence. There is nothing else I could think of that would be more appropriate than the Word of God as an unrestrained and excessive indulgence! Yes, let’s become binge readers of the life-giving Word of God.
Go to this link and you will find the plan that can be downloaded as a pdf. There is a one-page summary of all the readings for the whole year and there are also weekly printouts that have a few reading highlights and response prompts. We will start with the Day 1, Week 1 reading THIS Monday, January 4th.
I am looking forward to what God has in store for us in the next year. Let us position ourselves to have a “prosperous and successful” year as we meditate on the Word of God together.
Have a blessed new year,
Jimmy Reyes
Lead Pastor
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